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Our Violet Helpers

Violet would be nothing without her amazing Violet Helpers! They truly are the driving force behind Violet. Who will be your Violet Helper(s) is of course dependent on where you live and what your exact wishes are. You will find all Violet Helpers available for you in your own account pages.


Here we very happily take the opportunity to introduce some of our Violet Helpers. It gives you a good sense of what you may expect from us. 

Should you have more questions, maybe our Frequently Asked Questions section can help, and of course do not hesitate to contact us.




Mike is a third year Social Studies student at Witts. Like all students, Mike was looking for a job to pay for University, but he did want a job with meaning. He has always loved spending time staying over at his gran's house, which made him think: if I can do that as a job, that would be amazing! At Violet, he has found exactly that. 




Anne has been a caretaker all her life. When she retired as a full time caretaker, she soon found that she missed being around people. Violet offered her the ideal outlet to spend a few hours a week helping others and making meaningful connections with people. 




Clair has just started with Violet. She was looking for a job in her neighbourhood for no more than 10 hours a week, now that she has time in her schedule. Violet allows her to connect to people, which she loves. She gets to know the stories behind people in her own neighbourhood and help them in doing so. 


Van Everstraten


Diederikientje joined Violet right at the beginning. She was looking for a meaningful and fun job and hoped to be able to do something nice for others in doing so. As a Violet Helper, Diederikientje loves to just spend time with her clients, it doesn't matter to her what they want or need to do. 

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